Answered By: Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship Librarians
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2023     Views: 21979

The following databases feature M&A data and information: 

  • Bloomberg 

Enter MA <go>

Bloomberg is available on designated workstations in Marx Library and at the School of Management. For more information, visit


  • FactSet
    • Select Screening from the navigation bar at the top of the page, then select Idea Screening.
    • Click on Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Refine your search by selecting from a range of criteria categories, including Target/Acquirer Company details, Transaction Details, Deal Characteristics, date, and more. 
    • FactSet allows for saving screens and exporting results to Excel. 

Mergerstat was retired from FactSet Mergers in 2013. Mergers data is available through Idea Screening

Access to FactSet requires an individual account. For more information, visit


To browse for recent transactions by industry:

  • Hover your mouse over Markets on the navigation bar at the top of the page, then select an industry of interest from the Industries column. You can further refine your search using the Refine Industry and Refine Geography links located in the upper-right corner. 
  • On the left navigation menu, look for Transactions, then select M&A/Private Placements.

To search for M&A deals or transactions:

  • Select Screening on the navigation bar at the top of the page, then click on Transaction Screening.
  • Look for the General Transaction Details section, located on the right side of the page, and select Types. Choose Merger/Acquisition and add it to the Selected Items box. Click Add Criteria
  • Select other criteria of interest from the General Transaction Details or M&A Details sections. 
  • Click View Results

Access to S&P Capital IQ requires an individual account. For more information, visit


Provides M&A data from LSEG (formerly known as Thomson Reuters). Offers three options for browsing or searching for M&A deals:

  • Deals Market Overview (DealsMOV) - Good for browsing recent transactions and finding M&A statistics
  • Company Overview
    • From starting from a company overview page, select Event, then Company Deals. 
  • Advanced Search (Search for deals from 1985 through the present. This option generates the most comprehensive list of results. 
    • Select Search Tools from the navigation bar at the top of the page, click on M&A. 
    • Select additional criteria under Quick Filters or use the Add Filter fields.

Access to LSEG Workspace requires an individual account. For more information, visit


  • SDC Platinum 

Also from LSEG (formerly Thomson Reuters). Provides a longer backfile of deals dating back to 1979. There is a 30-day embargo on data. For recent transactions, use LSEG Workspace.

Access to M&A Data from SDC Platinum is available by request on Refintiv Workspace or via WRDS.  More information is available at