Answered By: Erin Wachowicz
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2019     Views: 599

Yale University Library offers access to the Wall Street Journal in multiple ways. 

Online options:

Current students, faculty and  staff members have access to the Wall Street Journal online. Our institutional subscription provides access to articles from the last four years, including the daily edition of the Wall Street Journal and content exclusive to its online publication.  

To access, you will need to log in with your Yale NetID and password and register for an account using your email address. This account will provide you with access to the WSJ on or off-campus without needing VPN, as well as access to the WSJ app for your iOS or Android device. 

Please note: Authorized users for the online version of the WSJ do not include affiliates of Yale New Haven Hospital.

Factiva features same-day and historical coverage of the Wall Street Journal articles dating back to 1979. 

For recent articles, select News Pages from the navigation bar at the top of the page, then click on Factiva Pages. From here, you should be able to browse the headlines from the last two weeks of the WSJ by section (This works for the New York Times as well). 

To search for older articles, select Search from the navigation bar on the top of the page and then click on Search Builder. Enter the article title or keywords in the Free Text Search box, and select a range of time from the Date dropdown box.  Click on Source and then select The Wall Street Journal - All sources. Click on the Search button. 

Offers coverage from 1984 - present. 

Includes coverage from 1923 - 1998

Print issues are available in the following locations:

  • Franke Periodical Reading Room in Sterling Memorial Library
  • Medical Library 


Microfilm is available from 1889-2010 and can be viewed in the Microfilm Reading Room, located in the basement of Sterling Memorial Library. View the record in our online catalog at